
The practitioner.

Paloma is my name. My background is in Mental Health Counseling and I currently work as a Life Coach and Reiki Master, focusing on mindful transformation and teaching from a holistic perspective. I am also a mother and a wife, but overall, I am a human being… Being, Yes, with emphasis on being, with all it means. I constantly work on myself, on accepting who I AM in every step of the way, welcoming change and accepting in gratitud, coming from Love and Spirit, translating it to my human experience. I embrace imperfections and welcome transformation. Although change may not always be comfortable, it is always worthy when it comes from the heart and is aligned with Spirit…

The way I see myself translate into my work. I see you. I hear you. I am with you. When I see you, I see myself.

The sessions.

My coaching sessions are focused on YOU, what you need at each moment during your journey of self exploration. I learned different techniques during my years of training and experience working to, for ex: “treat” trauma, heal the heart, relieve pain, work on emotions, grief, etc; yet, ultimately the best technique is being PRESENT. I’m there for you, listening to you and letting you guide your own process of transformation, while I trust in my intuition. I look into my toolbox and I use what it is best for you at each moment. Some sessions may begin with a talk followed by a specific technique to clear emotions then energy work; or they may start with energy work, breath-work and a nice walk outdoors while we “talk,” or they may all look like a nice conversation only. The sessions adapt to your journey and to your willingness to go further, as well as your desire to try different ways of healing. Whichever way it is, I am here to walk with you the path of mindful and purposeful change.

“Where attention goes, energy flows…”


The Vision.

When I sit with someone in my practice, I see and witness the ever-changing, multi-dynamic & multi-facetted person. You are not only one side of the coin. You are the entire coin. You are not only your accomplishments, but you are also your “failures,” your shadows, doubts and fears. I see your brightness & I see your shadows. I acknowledge the many aspects of people, and the inevitable connection between the mind, the body and the spirit. Therefore, I’ve always been inclined to practice from a holistic point of view, integrating modalities that allow me to work on different aspects of the person; in this way, integrating the person, the whole being, into one experience, the experience of being YOU. Every human being is a unique piece of art that is never “finished.” It can always be polished a bit more and it always needs maintenance. I believe in the goodness of our hearts and the powerful driving force of intuition and emotions as a way to clear our path for growth.

It may begin with a thought, an idea, or it may begin with a feeling… Whatever it is, when you know it is there, the desire to change, to transform, to move forward, to express yourself and free yourself, you must not ignore it. For it, you may bring peace to yourself, or you may bring more suffering. To live a more peaceful and meaningful life is to reconnect with your core and find answers and simply BE the best version of yourself that is TODAY. Accepting what is.

To change your environment you must change yourself. To bring more light and wellbeing to your life, you must be in the light.

Wether you want to improve a specific aspect of your life, or you want to develop/ deepen your spiritual practice, quit smoking, lower stress, deal with grief, it is to reinvent yourself, to have the power and courage to heal, that will help you move forward and transform. It is to have an intimate journey within YOURSELF.

To live fully in the present moment, to get unstuck from the past, to make space for a more peaceful, happy and fulfilling life, you must be present (mindful) every step of the way…